Sepsis Watch

with Team BUGS

Sepsis Awareness Month & World Sepsis Day. In 2011, Sepsis Alliance declared September to be Sepsis Awareness Month in the United States. Throughout the month, people are encouraged to make an extra effort to spread awareness of sepsis. Healthcare facilities across the country have responded well to Sepsis Awareness Month and many use that time to help educate and remind their employees about sepsis – identifying it and treated it in a timely manner. A few supporters have contacted their representatives in Washington, DC, in an effort to have September officially recognized by the government as Sepsis Awareness Month. Perhaps more voices will make this request heard and bring this to reality.
World Sepsis Day is an initiative of the Global Sepsis Alliance. The Sepsis Alliance was a founding member of the GSA.
In 2012, the GSA declared that September 13 would be known as World Sepsis Day. I was proud to be in attendance and able to speak in Brussels on that historic occasion.
On and around this date, organizations in many countries, including the Germany, Brazil, the United Kingdom, and the United States, hold events to raise awareness. The events range from professional conferences to cocktail parties and award ceremonies.
Sepsis Heroes is an event held in Manhattan, NY by the Sepsis Alliance in September to honor a yearly selections of individuals who have demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in the fight against sepsis.
On September 18, 2014, Sepsis Alliance will be holding its third annual Sepsis Heroes – An Evening Celebrating Champions of Sepsis Awareness.